The Girl Scout Cookies are coming along great! Feb. 16th update.

My local farmer friend was telling me about how he’s been mixing blackstrap molasses in his water as these beautiful buds are getting sweeter each day!

FYI, Blackstrap Molasses is what is left after the third boiling of the liquid that starts out when they squeeze the sorghum stalks into the juices and boil it down one time for light molasses, then a second time is regular dark molasses you might see at any store, then blackstrap is the third boiling and it is real real thick and a dark dark brownish black. The best is un-sulfured and typically comes in a gallon jug. I have tried an organic kind from PA and it was good.

If you are in Central Virginia, there are a couple of Sorghum Festival’s in the fall of most normal years and it is fun watching demonstrations of the squeezing and boiling process being done the old timey way!

Enjoy the photos!

By My Weed

Owner of My Weed