Grow Generation’s Second Saturday Event – July 2023 – Richmond, Virginia!

The Second Saturday Event that was held at Grow Generation on July 8th, 2023 was really fantastic! I arrived a little after the store opened and helped a couple of vendors with the door as they were bringing in tables and displays. I had a list of stuff I needed written down and Charles was… Continue reading Grow Generation’s Second Saturday Event – July 2023 – Richmond, Virginia!

Welcome to Virginia – Grow Generation!

  In January, 2023, I saw some advertisements on the Richmond, Virginia local TV stations about a new store selling all sorts of growing supplies. I had never heard of Grow Generation before and was excited to go see them and find out more information! For my Virginia farmer friends that need directions how to… Continue reading Welcome to Virginia – Grow Generation!

Grove Bags – 2022 MyWeedBarn Product of the Year!

I am proud to announce: GROVE BAGS as the 2022 PRODUCT OF THE YEAR at! This past summer, sometime around July, my local farmer friend showed me a new kind of bag that he had purchased from our local retail store, Peaks View Hydro, in New London, Virginia. He explained how good they were… Continue reading Grove Bags – 2022 MyWeedBarn Product of the Year!

The Girl Scout Cookies are now drying and curing – a March 14th, 2022 update from my local farmer friend:

It was nice and sunny this morning when my local farmer friend stopped by. He had just been to our awesome new store that sells the soil and supplies needed by our local weed farmers! I plan on doing a post soon about this awesome new place located across the creek into beautiful Bedford, County,… Continue reading The Girl Scout Cookies are now drying and curing – a March 14th, 2022 update from my local farmer friend: