Canna Con Richmond – 22 was awesome!

This past Friday, October 14th, 2022 I had an opportunity to attend Canna Con in Richmond Virginia, the city I was born in.

The morning of the event I drove up I 95 from a local south side town. South of the James River is usually called South Side. I passed by a large tobacco factory and had fond memories as a kid getting a tour and the adults getting a pack of cigs and I got the huge pen. On School Trips we would go in the ole yellow bus up old route 1 which is just over from I95 but has a gazillion traffic lights etc. We always knew when we got to Richmond when you could smell the tobacco!

The story of and the way the name came to me on November 16th, 2021 in the evening is pretty simple really. In Virginia we have a rich history of tobacco and on the southside and central Virginia on down to North Carolina etc. Tobacco fields were everywhere. Tobacco Barns dotted the beautiful back roads. I had a thought about how we don’t have many Tobacco Barns anymore so now we can have WEED BARNS! OMG I went to the computer and checked on and it was available. I about #2! omg I said to myself. I immediately bought the domain for 2 years to get started! I did the actual happy dance very goofy and all that singing ” … My Weed Barn….. Dot Com!”. Oh I just could not believe I got a cool name. So thats it. Other than The only thing I have in common with a famous place that sells pillows is that the owner and founder of that company is awesome and is trying to help save our country.

So I told the nice people in the front about the area and my story as I got my name badge. I’m so proud of that! As I entered the event I was overwhelmed with all the cool stuff. This year is my very first attempt at growing anything and I will be catching up on writing now that it has gotten cold and the woodstove is going. Everyone is excited in Virginia about learning and my local farmer friend and I were talking about it and there are just so so many new things to learn all of a sudden. We don’t have the been there done that attitude. We love it and want to learn. It is so exciting and new to us. Of course my local farmer friend having grown up on a Tobacco farm he knows a wide variety of things about growing anything!

I was so excited to meet the guys at Grove Bags! I showed them how I made labels with a new label maker I’ll be blogging about soon. The labels on the bags are top shelf. Then I showed them a sample bud in a bag sealed in July of this year of Gorilla Glue. I had opened the pack the night before the event and I let the Grove Bag guys smell the bag and that was the puddin so to speak. As in the  proof is in the puddin! Then the Great Kendall Witt stopped by. He owns Peaks View Hydro and It was so great having my neighbor there 2 hours from home representing New London with me I shouted out to everyone that Kendall was here!

I really enjoyed talking to so many of the people at the booths and learning as they explained. The Clonex guy was so patient and gave me a sample and booklet to help me learn and I appreciate that! The man with the fans explained them so good. I loved seeing the Conley Greenhouses and got some books to dream over. 

Somewhere during my visit I dropped a sample bag showing my labels and I couldn’t find it. I went back to Grove Bags and saw the photo on their phone so I could make sure what bag I was missing as I had 4 versions. I thought I had lost that like that “stuff” happens but always happens to me. Oh well. but then a nice lady at a booth said OH, they have that over at the Atlas Seed booth. I went by there and I was amazed and thankful for the honesty displayed by the people there. Thats the way it’s supposed to be. Some people might have just put it in their pocket.

I was tired after so much walking around and asked to sit by this nice lady at the Brother’s Grim booth. She had a home made spiral plastic book with film laminated pages showing beautiful photos of some of their buds and some notes on what was coming soon. She was nice and I really appreciated seeing her book and I got Mr. Soul’s business card too.

Thank you to the Fish Shit man! I went by there and shouted “You have the BEST SHIT EVER!” and he was all smiles and gave me a bottle of shit. That made me happy as shit. haha… But seriously I have actually tried a sample bottle of this during the summer given to me by Kendall of Peaks View Hydro. I haven’t had any of this years goodies grown with the Fish Shit yet and we’ll blog about that shit later. oh gosh I have to stop this is getting crazy.

So in conclusion I have a bunch of brochures and stuff to read and learn and had the best time ever visiting CannaCon in Richmond, Virginia in 2022! Thank you! 

By My Weed

Owner of My Weed